Orange Cottage Organics

As summer winds down and the excitement of a new school year builds, it’s the perfect time to start fresh with eco-friendly practices that can make a positive impact on the environment. Whether you’re a student, parent, or teacher, there are simple steps you can take to make this school year more sustainable. From choosing green school supplies to reducing waste, here’s how you can incorporate eco-friendly practices into your back-to-school routine.

1. Choose Sustainable School Supplies

When shopping for school supplies, opt for products made from recycled or sustainable materials. Here are a few tips:

  • Notebooks and Paper: Look for notebooks and paper made from recycled paper. Many brands offer eco-friendly options that are just as durable and functional as traditional products.
  • Pencils and Pens: Choose pencils made from sustainably sourced wood or pens made from recycled plastic. Mechanical pencils are also a great option as they can be refilled and used multiple times.
  • Binders and Folders: Opt for binders and folders made from recycled materials or durable options that can be reused year after year.

2. Pack Waste-Free Lunches

Packing a lunch is a great way to save money and eat healthier, but it can also generate a lot of waste. Here’s how to make your child’s lunch eco-friendly:

  • Reusable Containers: Use reusable lunch containers, snack bags, and water bottles instead of single-use plastic bags and disposable bottles. Stainless steel or glass containers are durable and reduce waste.
  • Cloth Napkins and Utensils: Replace paper napkins with cloth ones, and use reusable utensils instead of plastic cutlery. This small change can significantly reduce the amount of waste produced each day.
  • Buy in Bulk: Purchase snacks in bulk and portion them into reusable containers rather than buying individually wrapped items. This not only reduces packaging waste but can also save money.

3. Sustainable Transportation

How your child gets to and from school can have a big impact on the environment. Consider these eco-friendly transportation options:

  • Walking or Biking: If you live close enough, encourage your child to walk or bike to school. It’s a great way to get exercise and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Carpooling: If walking or biking isn’t an option, consider carpooling with other families. This reduces the number of cars on the road, cutting down on emissions and traffic congestion.
  • Public Transportation: If available, use public transportation like buses or trains. Public transit is a more sustainable option than driving individually.

4. Go Paperless

Schools often require a lot of paperwork, but going paperless can help reduce waste:

  • Digital Assignments: Encourage teachers to accept digital assignments rather than printed ones. Many schools now use online platforms for submitting homework, which saves paper and is more convenient for students.
  • E-Books: Whenever possible, opt for digital textbooks or resources. E-books are often cheaper and eliminate the need for physical copies that require paper and shipping.
  • Paperless Communication: Use email or school apps for communication with teachers and school administration instead of printed notes and flyers.

5. Teach Eco-Friendly Habits

Instilling eco-friendly habits in children from a young age is key to creating a sustainable future:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Teach your child the importance of reducing waste, reusing items, and recycling whenever possible. Encourage them to recycle paper, plastics, and other materials at home and school.
  • Energy Conservation: Remind your child to turn off lights, computers, and other electronics when they’re not in use. Simple actions like these can help conserve energy.
  • Mindful Consumption: Encourage thoughtful purchasing decisions, whether it’s school supplies, clothes, or snacks. Teach your child to choose quality over quantity and to think about the environmental impact of their choices.

6. Support Eco-Friendly Brands

Support brands and companies that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility:

  • School Supplies: When purchasing school supplies, look for brands that use recycled materials and sustainable practices. Many companies now offer eco-friendly options for everything from backpacks to notebooks.
  • Clothing: Buy clothing from brands that use organic materials, fair labor practices, and sustainable production methods. Consider shopping at thrift stores or participating in clothing swaps to reduce waste.
  • Food: Choose organic, locally-sourced, and sustainably-produced food items when packing lunches or buying snacks. Supporting eco-conscious food brands helps promote sustainable agriculture.


Incorporating eco-friendly practices into your back-to-school routine doesn’t have to be complicated. With a few mindful choices, you can reduce your environmental impact and teach your child valuable lessons about sustainability. As the new school year begins, let’s commit to making greener choices that benefit both our planet and future generations. Here’s to a sustainable and successful school year! 🌍📚♻️

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Stay beautiful,

Veleka Fenty